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15 September 2009

The telephone line gives you the «A»

It’s back-to-school time, an intense period for piano technicians, leaving little time for blog posts. I want to quickly inform you that the phone’s pitch includes an almost perfect “A 440Hz” (at least here in Canada). No need for a tuning fork to know if the piano is in tune! For a more precise estimation, you may want to play your “A” for us over the phone.

We calibrate our tuning forks using an extremely precise reference: the National Institute of Standards and Technology broadcasts signals over shortwaves and by phone at specific frequencies, which we use for this purpose.

As the relative humidity is going to decrease (even plummet!) with the approach of winter, you may notice changes in the pitch of sounds produced by your instrument; they will go lower. Just give us a call, and “voi-la”, we’ll to get them back to pitch.

Looking forward to helping you out!

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